What is Energy Healing?
insights Bhavna Purswani insights Bhavna Purswani

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is about improving your overall wellbeing, enhancing your relationships and even your sense of belonging. It's a holistic approach that can significantly impact an individual’s life and, by extension, their community.

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Culturally Informed Healing: Why it Matters
insights Bhavna Purswani insights Bhavna Purswani

Culturally Informed Healing: Why it Matters

In a kaleidoscope of stories, the path to wellness isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual's healing is intertwined with the intricate patterns of their culture, identity, and personal history. This is where culturally informed healing steps in – it's not just a method, it's a necessary shift in the therapeutic landscape.

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Priya: A Raw Look at Beating Burnout & Embracing Balance
case study Bhavna Purswani case study Bhavna Purswani

Priya: A Raw Look at Beating Burnout & Embracing Balance

Despite trying morning routines, journaling, and even medication, nothing provided lasting relief. So came the day Priya had her “enough-is-enough” moment. She had to take a step back and reassess — a moment of honest introspection that required as much courage as it did action. She found my website (thank you, SEO) and decided it was time to play offense against the stress and overwhelm.

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